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Sharon Constançon, Chartered Director, MBA and Chartered Secretary is CEO of Genius Boards.

Genius Boards specialises in Board Effectiveness, Corporate Governance and Director Mentoring.  Genius Boards has a specific focus on Board Evaluations approached from both a governance and people performance perspective, focusing on leadership, behaviour and communications.  Genius Boards focuses on robust Board Evaluations that address the difficult topics, making them easier to address.  The evaluation focus is on being fit for the future; providing tips and recommendations for the Chairman to deliver a Board at its best.  www.geniusboards.com

Genius Methods supports Boards and Executive teams by providing continuous professional leadership development for individuals or teams.  The Corporate Governance and Risk Reviews support Boards and Committees to focus on strategic governance and risk in additional to operational aspects.  We are passionate about empowering Company Secretaries and minorities in leadership teams.  www.geniusmethods.com

The Genius Group has worked with the full range of businesses from FTSE 100s to SME’s, listed, private, family, public sector, charity, housing trusts and investment trusts.  Regulated sectors in addition include financial services, insurance and NHS.

Sharon is Chairman of the South African Chamber of Commerce in London and, personally holds several Non-Executive Directorships.

Sharon can be contacted at  sharon.constancon@WorkingFree.co.uk

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